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Modern Ski Racing

Modern Ski Racing

MODERN SKI RACING is extremely pleased and proud of the team of coaching talent we have put together. The coaches of the MODERN SKI RACING team have each independently devoted decades to studying at an intense level the ever changing nature of the top rung skiing being displayed by the world's best racers, and have used what they've learned there to develop and/or modify in their own racers the foundational skills and techniques of the day that have made that level of skiing possible. They now bring that wealth of knowledge to our team, and to a new mission. The mission of MODERN SKI RACING is to share with recreational skiers and racers the technical principles that make such upper level skiing possible, and to make available a means for those recreational level skiers to assimilate those technical skills into their own skiing. This is a ground breaking undertaking. To date such information and training has been virtually reserved for dedicated junior and senior athletes who were enrolled in intense, full time race training programs. Recreational skiers who lacked the time, money, youth, or inclination to pursue one of these programs were unfortunately left in the dark as to the time tested methods these high level training programs held for ramping up ones skiing to the next level. Our desire is to end that void and finally make available to everyone that priceless technical knowledge and those highly effective training methods. And while we bill it as a racing orientated effort, we also believe that the information we are making available will serve as an invaluable asset to all skiers who have a desire to explore new possibilities in their skiing skill potential. It's a common misconception that racing is a completely different animal from recreational skiing. The fact is that the foundation of successful racing is sound technical skiing. The best racers spend countless hours honing their free skiing skills, and for good reason. It is those skills that make it possible to negotiate a difficult race course in a precise and efficient manner that appears almost effortless. It is those foundational skills and techniques that we will share here. Through our progressive series of instructional tapes we offer an easy to understand and follow sequential training guide to take all skiers/racers from whatever skill level they currently occupy to as high up the ability ladder as they desire to ascend. So how do we do that? First, we refrain from blowing smoke at people. Some instructional schools claim to provide a fast track to expert skiing. Learn a couple key movements and techniques, they claim, and you can ride them to greatness. This is marketing bunk, and the truly great skiers know it. In fact, it's such marketing manure that leads many skiers to premature dead ends in their skill level development. True expert level skiing involves the development of a vast array of foundational skills. Watch the world's best racers come down a World Cup race course. Combined with perfect execution you will see occasional missteps followed by what seems to the novice eye remarkable recoveries that appear easily accomplished. How do they do it? Well, beyond the fact that they're highly gifted athletes, they've developed through knowledgeable coaching a very broad foundational skill base that allows them to function at ease in a vast array of ways on their skis. It's that versatility that is the secret to great skiing and racing, and it's the development of that versatility that is our focus, as it is the focus of all the best race training programs in the world. We do not claim to hold patent on all that we do here. After all, the reality is that there's little new under the sun, and while we have developed many innovative teaching methodologies all our own, much of what we bring to you is simply what is already being done at top race training programs around the world. What we do that is unique is for the first time make this valuable information available to the general public on a mass level. Our instructional program is broken down into two segments. Segment one we call our LEVELS PROGRESSION. In this segment we introduce technical ideals that can be assimilated in a skill building manner. Level 1 teaches an introduction to arc to arc carving by means of our very own Waist Steering technique. It's a very rapid learn method for gaining a quick feel for producing clean linked carves that we're quite proud of. Level 2 introduces skiers to more dynamic arc to arc skiing. Edge angles increase, turn forces grow, body positions change, and a new turn transition is introduced. This is an extremely important training product, as it serves to develop in skiers the base high level turn upon which all other higher level turn variations are rooted. Level 3 raises the bar another notch. We now build upon our level 2 base turn, adding more advanced transitions and tactical applications. These are the turns that will support racers in situational needs found in all race courses, and the recreational skier in all mountain skiing. Level 4 is the final step. It is here we take a close look at technique and execution at the upper most level; the World Cup. We display turns made by the best racers in the world, explain exactly what they're doing, and hold it as an ideal template for us all to aspire to. Finally, the second instructional segment is our FOUNDATIONS TRAINING SERIES. This series of tapes is our holy grail, for it provides the means to develop the broad foundational skill base that supports the learning of all the technical ideals found in our LEVELS SERIES. Here we break down the technical elements of skiing into individual areas and focus on each of those areas intensely. Balance, edging, rotation, angulation, transitions, they're all covered in great depth, and multiple drills are introduced that allow viewers to expand their range of abilities and execution options to a level similar to that possessed by the world's best racers. This series truly shines a light on the actual building blocks of high level skiing and racing, and presents a blueprint for how to lay those crucial building blocks in everyone's personal skill foundation. Thanks for taking the time to read about what we're attempting to do here at MODERN SKI RACING and we hope through that reading you've come to realize the worth of our mission, and understand why we feel the passion for it we do. We look forward to helping you attain all you desire in your skiing.

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