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Montour School District

Montour School District

The Montour School District serves over 3,200 students, employs 217 teachers, and boasts an extensive system-wide curriculum and an impressive variety of extra-curricular activities for students in grades K-12. Legal requirements for school directors are few. They must be at least 18 years old, registered voters in the school district, and cannot be an employee of the board on which they are a member. However,the qualifications for effective service are many. A Director should: Have a broad background of experience and knowledge; Be visionary, able to understand the forces of societal change and to plan for the future; Be tolerant and without prejudice; Understand education today is complex, and simplistic approaches will not meet today's challenges; Be willing to invest the many hours that will be necessary to carry out the duties of the office; Have a sincere desire to serve the community; Be responsive to human needs of individuals and groups; Listen for a real consensus and not confuse a few noisy voices with a majority feeling; Remember the responsibility is to all the children in the state, not solely to those in the local district; and Above all, have the capability to learn and grow as one becomes more aware of the responsibilities of one of the most important elective bodies in our society. It is particularly important to acknowledge that the decision-making authority is vested in the school board and not in its individual members. Thus, it is very important that each director work as a team member and cooperate with other directors towards a common goal.

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About Montour School District

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