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MPP Civils Namibia

MPP Civils Namibia

The organization was founded at the end of 2013 by Michael, Panashe and Piet with the simple desire of being the "preferred contractor". We founded the organization of 'delivering conforming products and services' that exceed our clients expectations. To this end, we adopted and implemented the industry's leading technologies and systems to assist us in delivering on our commitment. Systems bring consistency and structure to an organization and its processes, so it was paramount that we spent our first year developing and refining all the procedures within the company. Today we have a team of dedicated young Africans that effectively maintain a world class construction company that turns over hundreds of millions of dollars annually. How has MPP Civils maintained its market share in the largely multinational dominated Construction Industry in the SADC? The construction industry is arguably the most difficult industry to survive in. Quite often our projects are in remote areas with little or no access to services. We have high turn overs yet our margins are as narrow as 3%. Our clients demand the highest degree of quality in the shortest possible time, at the best price. This all is largely done under the care of a low-educated labour force who are supervised by the clients consulting engineers and architects. To maintain a balance in this project management triple constraint, we built our organization around the customer and his needs. We implemented and maintain an integrated quality management system that revolves around customer focus with several by-products and measuring tools. These include internal audits, satisfaction surveys to monitor feedback and most importantly continual improvement to ensure that the lessons learnt resonate throughout all departments and projects. The ability to manage non-conformances and implement preventative measures also has a sizable contribution on how we maintain our market share.

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About MPP Civils Namibia



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