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Musea Membership with us is just the beginning of a potentially lifelong relationship and beyond. We have our sights set far into the future for our community. Building something that will exist long after we are gone - to serve future generations. Can we imagine a physical museum and a virtual museum that will last hundreds of years? Our members and their descendants will carry it forward. Those who carry the Lineage of Intentional Creativity will bring this passion forward and claim this as their own. MUSEA as a living museum is the ultimate installation founded in LOVE. We are painting ourselves into the picture. Making the table at which we take our seat. We are building the museum to house our art. We are Musea - many muses, many hands, many lands, many voices designed to serve our membership. We are living life as art, and art as love in action. Our installation is happening any place our Musea members are making art with intention and awareness of their participation in the bigger picture. We are making the picture together. We acknowledge the seen and unseen as a part of the quantum weave that makes Musea local and non-local. We together are making the quantum space for art-making. The people within Musea are the muses, we are the artists, storytellers, designers, activists, curators, researchers, scientists, musicians, prophets and futurists. Our lives as lived, are the stories we tell, are the images we make, forming a new narrative that is both individual and collective. The art we make is our offering onto the altar of creation. By placing it here we assert our own relevancy and connection to one another and to earth. We belong here. We belong to each other. We stand for justice, liberty and frameworks that offer access to those who wish to speak their images and stories. The community we tend is the relevant practicum of our soul work both personally and collectively. We seek to serve and are served in return. This is the regenerative nature of creation itself. Through collaborative curation we ...

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