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National Council on Disability Affairs

National Council on Disability Affairs

National Council on Disability Affairs

As such, the NCDA is the lead agency tasked to steer the course of program development for persons with disabilities and the delivery of services to the sector. The NCDA is tasked to monitor the implementation of several laws to ensure the protection of PWDs' civil and political rights. These laws include Republic Act No 7277 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons), Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 (Accessibility Law), Republic Act 6759 (White Cane Act) and ILO Convention No. 159 (Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons With Disability). It has also been tasked, through Proclamation No. 125, to coordinate activities and to monitor the observance of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (1993-2002) in the Philippines. Proclamation No. 125 was issued by the President on January 15, 1993, to enjoin both the government and the private entities to organize projects based on the policy categories mentioned in the agenda for action of the decade. Autism Month Celebration

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