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National Farmers' Federation

National Farmers' Federation

The NFF has been at the forefront of the nation's high-profile debates, driving reforms that today underpin our uniquely Australian identify and sense of a 'fair go'. Formed in 1979 as the single national voice for Australian farmers, the NFF brought together the many disparate organisations of the day - unifying the often conflicting agendas at both state and national levels. Australia's farm leaders recognised the need for a unified position, with 'cohesion of purpose' as the most practical means of achieving real gains for farmers. The creation of the NFF - and its determination to be an independent authority for farmers' rights - proved a catalyst in shaking politicians, of all persuasions, out of any complacency regarding the needs of the farming community and rural Australians. The first conference of the NFF took place on Friday 20 July 1979, where Sir Donald Eckersley was elected inaugural President. The NFF has always made it very clear that, as stated in its Constitution, it is an apolitical organisation. Despite traditionally conservative voting patterns across rural Australia, the NFF assesses the policies and actions of Governments and opposition parties, on merit. This over-riding principle remains as strong today as it did in 1979. The NFF has built its formidable reputation in leading high-profile policy battles on issues such as workplace relations, tax, the environment and international trade reform... to name just a few. The development of the comprehensive agricultural 'blueprint' Farm Focus: the 80's was a major policy influencing benchmark.

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