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Nilenso is an employee-owned technology cooperative in Bangalore. We have built our business on an experiment culture; we take calculated risks and measure outcomes. We are a completely transparent technology cooperative. Here are the two key points: Every employee (including you!) owns an equal share of the company. Hence, you will own nilenso. Every employee (including you!) helps run the company. Hence, you will run nilenso. First, a little about us: nilenso is a profitable consultancy and product incubator. People working on products are 100% on products. People doing consulting are 100% on consulting. We try to rotate people through projects so they don't get bored. None of our projects are very boring, though: we've built open source products, worked with non-profits and for-profits alike in multiple domains (startups, health, e-commerce, "the enterprise", news media, climate change awareness, and event management). We have Haskell classes in the evening. We love riding bicycles, bird-watching, and playing guitar. There are a thousand ways we can do better and we're going to try. We would love it if you can help us be better. Nilenso has a culture of constant improvement; we expect it from ourselves, from each other, and from everyone we consider hiring. An extensive library and frequent conference attendence act as our baseline, but the greatest lever we have is pushing each other to do better. Some recent topics: Could we use big data to help solve Bangalore's infrastructural challenges? Could we become a purely open source consultancy? How can we ensure that even our hardest projects always have a sustainable pace? Our backend code is almost entirely in Clojure, with a dash of Javascript, C++, Java, Ruby, and Objective-C in the five places those five languages make sense. We've spent significant time scaling and squeazing runtime performance out of Postgres and analytics performance out of HBase and Redshift. Sometimes we use code to make music or poetry. Most of our code is on the backend, and it makes a lot of sense to us to write backend code in a LISP on the JVM, but we're not wedded to it. "Best tool for the job" applies at nilenso -- but the "best" tool needs to be quantified with facts.

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About Nilenso



Estimated Revenue






Information Technology

Industry Group

Software & Services










Tech Stack (56)


Programming Languages And Frameworks

Finance And Accounting

Devops And Development

Business Intelligence And Analytics

IT Management


Product And Design

Productivity And Operations

Computer Networks

IT Security

Analytics and Tracking


Content Management System

JavaScript Libraries and Functions

Email Hosting Providers

Web Servers

Verified CDN