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Netresearch App Factory

Netresearch App Factory

The Netresearch App Factory is the digital marketplace for e-commerce. We are the gateway between service providers, system integrators and merchants. With its extensive eCommerce directory, selected Magento extensions, and our popular community events, our marketplace has a wide variety of offerings around eCommerce. Have a look yourself. Become a part of our marketplace and profit from greate range and access to the Magento ecosystem. Our eCommerce directory gives you insight to the market, relevant system integrators, service providers, shop systems, and some merchants. You are looking for the the right agency to create your future online shop, or for a service provider for a certain gateway (e.g. payment), or for a compilation of existing shop systems and merchants? Then you should find what you are looking for here. Furthermore, we offer a variety of module in our Extension shop which allow you to optimise your Magento shop system. You can choose from a range of modules created by system integrators, extension developers, and service prodivers, each one knowing from experience what requirements your online shop should fulfil. Using our pre-configured and Localised Magento editions Localised Magento editions, you get the opportunity to set up you own online shop easily and hassle-free. Events are a powerful tool to enter the eCommerce scene. The Magento events we organise are very popular among the community. The leading symposium Meet Magento brings the important companies from the industry together once a year. The Developers Paradise is not just an adventurous excursion for developers but a very interesting event for training and networking.

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