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One By One, Inc. is a non-profit human rights organization that was founded ten years ago. A central focus of One By One is to create Dialogue Groups that promote intense and authentic dialogue between victims and perpetrators of the Holocaust as well as their descendents. The dialogue group experiences has been transforming for many of the participants. Following the Dialogue Groups a number of the participants became more involved in social action, writing, speaking, and creating art and music on behalf of One By One and their communities. Responding to the reality faced by many Latin America countries, One By One Inc. has decided to extend its reach to the victims of political violence in Peru. One By One Inc. has created a new chapter, One By One Peru. One by One's Peruvian representative Eng. Elisa de Rocha, will be working with members of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru as well as representatives of international Organizations to follow up on the recommendation made by the Commission's final report. One by One's focus will be to work with people who suffer from PTSD as a result of their experiences during the Peruvian civil war. We need your financial support to launch the Peruvian office, and fund ongoing services for the Peruvian people who survived the violence of war. The creation of Dialogue Groups for national reconciliation is an initiative that goes beyond mere Human Rights advocacy and attempts to address a very real human need: the need to resolve the trauma caused by political violence. One By One's mission is to continue to help those who suffer from war, genocide, torture and conflicts worldwide using the techniques they have developed and published. These techniques are based on theories of trauma and recovery, the work of Dr. Victor Frankl (transforming suffering by giving it meaning), the work of Martin Buber (authentic, honest dialogue), the philosophical writings of Primo Levi as well as group theory.

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