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Pixel Fusion

Pixel Fusion

At Pixel Fusion, our search engine optimization and submission services are specifically designed to achieve optimal search engine rankings for our clients through the use of ethical search engine optimization techniques. We will design your website from the ground up with search engine optimization and search engine placement in mind and optimize each page so that they are as "search engine friendly" as technically possible. When we design your website, as a part of our internet marketing strategy, we make sure to optimize it so that the site will be visible to all the major search engines. Beyond search engine optimization, we also offer a full range of website promotion services including website traffic analytics and search engine registration. Our design team understands that proper individual submission techniques for the major engines and directories are required for the best and quickest results. Pixel Fusion will submit your website to each company by "hand" to ensure the most effective categories are selected to help drive traffic (potential business) to your website. We provide search engine registration services that involve submitting your website address and search words to the top search engines, directories and crawlers including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Excite, Netscape, Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, AOL, Goto, HotBot, Looksmart, alltheweb, and Lycos. Our search engine optimization and submission services are available both for our own web design clients, and for those with existing websites who are seeking to improve their website visibility. Contact us today for a free estimate on our search engine optimization services.

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