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Plymouth Recreation Dept

Plymouth Recreation Dept

The Plymouth Redevelopment Authority (PRA) was established by Plymouth Town Meeting in 1958 to begin an urban renewal project in the town center area in and around Summer and High Streets. A Special Town Meeting approved and adopted the urban renewal plan known as Plymouth Progress in August 1962. Encompassing 30.6 acres, the area was cleared of blight and rehabilitated according to the Plan using federal, state and local funds. Today the Summer High Street area contains parkland, historic/tourist venues, multi-family and single-family residences, and a hotel. Since its inception, the PRA has been committed to the betterment of the Town and Community and has sought out loan and grant programs that enable families and individuals in the Town to acquire and/or rehabilitate housing. Today the Authority administers and works in partnership with several state and federal agencies to provide these programs. To complement the programs, in 1999, the PRA became a HUD approved Comprehensive Housing Counseling agency offering individual counseling for a number of housing needs and problems. Since 1995, the PRA has offered first time homebuyer seminars and in 2000, joined the Massachusetts Homeownership Collaborative. These counseling programs are supported by grants from HUD and the USDA as well as by the generous support of local businesses and financial institutions. Working in tandem with the Town of Plymouth Planning and Development Department, the PRA continues its redevelopment activities aimed principally at Brownfields remediation and affordable housing. The PRA is governed by a Board of 5 Commissioners, 4 of which are elected and one which is appointed by the Governor. The Board meets at least once per month in the Plymouth Town Hall. Residents and interested parties are welcome to attend.

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