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Have a look at the video opposite to see our garden and learn a little more about our business. We can show you how to grow the most delicious food with the minimum of effort and enjoy all the great benefits your own fresh food brings. Quickcrop was set up in 2008 by Andrew Davidson and Niall Mc Allister in a response to the growing interest people have in producing their own food. We love the idea of being somewhat self sufficient with even the small moves we've made in this direction giving us immense satisfaction. We both moved our families from an urban lifestyle to country living 15 years ago and have tried to make the most of the beautiful Irish countryside where we now live. We both have small farms established where we produce all of our own fruit and vegetables and have some of our own livestock. We have built up a level of knowledge and expertise from trial and error in our own gardens and that is essentially what Quickcrop is all about. We supply all the stuff we use in our own gardens, after all if we know it works for us, we're confident it'll work for you. Our gardens all flourish in a natural organic way, we don't use any artificial pesticides or plant feeds and can show you why you don't need to either. We believe the healthiest and best tasting food grow in the best soils, it is the key to successful organic growing. We can help you improve your gardens so you can grow strong and vigourous plants which aren't prone to attack from pests and diseases. Our friends and their children are always interested in what we were growing in our gardens when they come to visit. It is always a great buzz to put a dinner on the table for them with nearly everything making the short trip from the garden to the table. We find our children are much more adventurous with food having been part of growing it themselves. "Are these my peas Mummy? is great to hear as you know they'll be eaten. In fact, your lovely vegetable garden can be stripped of it's tastier produce alarmingly quickly once the kids get loose between the rows, but I guess that's the idea. Having heard "We'd love to grow our own but don't know where to begin" a few times too many, we set about creating Quickcrop. The problem was lack of knowledge and time. This is what we have addressed. You can Grow your Own with the right ingredients and a bit of help from us at whatever level you wish to start. Quickcrop is now based both on the West coast of Ireland, in Dublin and in Rugby, Warwickshire . hese days we have to travel a bit more than we'd like to but always return to our home farms where the various tasks in the garden quickly bring us back down to earth. That's the great thing about growing a vegetable garden, it's a place where time runs slower, a place to relax and align yourself with natures timetable rather than the timetables of the plane or train. We've sourced and produced the right raw materials to make sure you have a great crop whether it is an urban balcony or large rural garden. So go on, get growing, it's fun, rewarding and healthy. We'll hold your hand to get you started and soon you'll be producing your very own healthy and flavoursome for you and your family to enjoy. Remember we're always easy to contact whether you want advice on some of our products or just need some help with your garden. We put in the time in our own gardens so have a good understanding of any problems you might be facing and are confident we'll have the solution to get you going again. Feel free to contact us at any time, we'll always be delighted to hear from you. We look forward to hearing from you! About Us

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