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RWR Advisory Group

RWR Advisory Group

RWR Advisory Group is a Washington, D.C-based consulting firm that specializes in the risks present at the intersection of global business activity and national security concerns. RWR pro­vides intel­li­gence and ana­lyt­i­cal sup­port in this area for gov­ern­ment agen­cies and risk man­age­ment ser­vices for pri­vate sec­tor clients. RWR has exten­sive exper­tise track­ing and map­ping the ways in which secu­rity-related threats are aided directly and indi­rectly by the oper­a­tions of cor­po­rate enti­ties engag­ing in seem­ingly legit­i­mate activ­i­ties. Our pro­pri­etary soft­ware tool, Intel­Trak, focuses on this area by illu­mi­nat­ing the global foot­prints of Chi­nese and Rus­sian com­pa­nies. RWR also focuses on the role of eco­nomic and finan­cial activ­ity in the pro­jec­tion of soft power to gain influ­ence and con­trol over other coun­tries and indus­trial sec­tors. RWR is sim­i­larly able to assist with the com­pli­ance and risk man­age­ment needs of pri­vate sec­tor enti­ties seek­ing to under­stand how to pro­tect their global oper­a­tions, share value and rep­u­ta­tions from the secu­rity-related chal­lenges present in todays global busi­ness envi­ron­ment. These include nav­i­gat­ing sanc­tions pol­icy, money laun­der­ing reg­u­la­tions and geopo­lit­i­cal risk.

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About RWR Advisory Group



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International Affairs



Washington, D.C.


District of Columbia


United States

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