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We also offer: Childcare vouchers We have an eye care scheme Cycle to work & computer scheme Bonuses for upselling and new business Bacon roll Thursday 2 parties per year where we stop halfway through the day and everything is paid for We are also looking into a pension and possibly a travel scheme. 4) With teams spread across multiple countries working flexible schedules, how do you keep things coordinated? This isn't really a huge problem for us, as most of our employees are currently located across Europe. Even when we work across different time zones, I always feel it's important to have at least a couple of hours overlap, so you can catch up on projects and keep each other up to date. Internal communication needs to be flawless, so we use Basecamp's features relentlessly-i.e. the Writeboard, where we update each other on client calls and meetings for anyone who wasn't at a particular meeting for example. You can't be a boss who likes to micro manage and you have to learn to delegate effectively, communicate clearly, and-most of all-trust your staff. I'm very lucky to have great employees who work hard, are honest, and keep me up to date on everything. There are never any surprises, even if I'm not physically in our main office. 5) What's one area of your agency you're hoping to improve in the next year? How do you plan to accomplish that? Our plan for 2015 is to further improve our internal processes in order to enhance our productivity. I'm a big efficiency advocate and I am continuously looking to improve internal processes, as well as our client offering. There are two main areas that I would like to take a look at: improving our client reporting seeing how we can improve and maximize internal communication, in order to reduce meeting and disruption time 6) What's your favorite piece of advice on running a digital marketing agency and why? Be prepared to invest time and effort into staff development. It will pay off in the long run, not only because you have happier staff but you will also have employees who are better equipped to innovate. Also it is very important not to only listen to your employees but act on their requests. I never understood agency owners who didn't care about high staff turnover. There is such a huge cost attached to hiring and training new staff-which is probably a higher cost, the smaller the agency. Also ensure you build real and lasting relationships with your clients. They don't just pay your and your employees' wages but could be your agency's brand ambassador and refer business to you. Question: How do you invest in your team? Don't be shy-click here to add your comment below.

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