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Sedar Global

Sedar Global

Sedar also operates to specific standards to ensure a consistent brand image, quality, and customer experience. This gives the franchisee an easier approach to the business. Sedar currently operates over 20 showrooms in prime locations in the MENA region, serving a multicultural base of middle to high end income customers. The size of a typical Sedar outlet is between 4,000 sq. ft. and 25,000 sq. ft. with a customer flow of 10 to 20 customers per day. Sedar prefers franchisees that meet the following criteria: Proven entrepreneurial Skills, Hard-working with a desire to succeed, Preferably having retail experience, Good people skills, including business, management, and customer service skills, High personal standards: excellence, honesty, and integrity, Strong financial background. High personal standards: excellence, honesty, and integrity, Ability and willingness to work within a system, Stable and mature, Exposed to business and business operations, Can easily get suitable locations in the countries they operate in. In addition to field support, members of Sedar organization will provide the services listed below: Operational Support - Sedar Management will provide ongoing training and support in many areas critical to the success of the franchisee's business, including unit operations and maintenance, customer­service techniques, product ordering, suggested pricing guidelines, and administrative procedures. Site Selection - Prior to approving a site for Sedar outlet, Sedar Management will provide franchisees with clear guidelines for a suitable location. Sedar will require franchisees to follow these instructions to ensure that an appropriate site is selected.. Marketing Support - Sedar Management coordinates development of advertising materials and strategies for the benefit of all members of the franchise network. It will also supply franchisees with consumer marketing plans and materials for use at the local or regional level, and retains the right to approve all local advertising materials that the franchisee chooses to develop. Purchasing - Sedar Management or its affiliates negotiate quantity discounts on behalf of all its members, passing some or all of these saving to the franchisees. Accounting/Audit/Legal - Reporting directly to administration this department is responsible for the financial and legal oversight of franchisees. Ongoing Research and Development - Sedar Management continues to research methods and techniques for franchise operations (including purchasing and promotional schemes) that enhance unit­level profitability. Overall Program Oversight - Sedar Management provides the overall coordination and planning for the Sedar franchise system. Sedar is dedicated to the success of its franchise network. Therefore, each franchisee can expect world­class, consistent support in these areas and more: Site Selection: Sedar will assist you by specifying the criteria and designating a viable site prior to signing the lease. Sources of Supply: You will be assured of obtaining the items you need at a fair price, and of the quality approved by Sedar. Training and Assistance: Training will cover all aspects of conducting business at a Sedar store. You will receive additional assistance and support, beginning with the store opening. Advertising Materials and Sales Aids: Sedar publishes a variety of advertising materials and sales aids. You will be able to order the tools you need to carry out successful marketing efforts. Proprietary Software: Sedar will provide you with access to its software solution that will help you run your business. Operations Consulting: You will receive expert consulting services in all aspects of your business. Regional Advisory Franchisee Council: System Newsletter: As a means of franchise network communication, you will receive a periodic newsletter to keep you on top of your business. Ongoing Research and Development: Sedar will pass all system improvements to the franchisees, with ongoing research and development. Initial assistance provided by Sedar will include the following franchisee training programs: Sedar Management will provide franchisees with approximately 14 to 21 days of initial training at Sedar headquarters or at a location designated by the Sedar Management, beginning weeks before the franchisee is scheduled to open for business. Phase I: Instruction will pertain to administrative, operational, and sales/marketing matters; it will also include a liberal amount of on-the-job training. This training will be provided for the franchisee and three (3) to (6) designated attendees. Phase II: On­site training typically takes place when the franchisee commences operations. Experienced trainers from Sedar will provide on­site training for a period of 7 to 15 days to assist the franchisee in the commencement of operations. Franchise Agreement Duration The initial term of the Franchise Agreement is (5) five years from the date the Franchise Agreement is signed. The franchise is renewable for four additional terms of (5) five years each (for a total of 25 years), providing you have complied with the provisions of the Franchise Agreement. Please contact us for further details on fees and royalties. Register For Franchising Opportunities Name * Mobile * Email &nbsp About

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About Sedar Global



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Baladiyat ad Dawhah

