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Sequretek is established with the intent to secure and manage the customers information assets so that they are better equipped to handle the changing digital landscape and service needs that lead to growth. Sequretek will deliver value through advisory and consulting services in the area of Information Security and Data Management. Positive customer experience, world class delivery methodology and stringent processes and quality audits will be at the heart of our service offerings. Our strategic intent is to become 'Your Trusted Advisor' in the domain of Security, Data Management and Enterprise Management. Positive customer experience and value creation is at the core of everything we do. Digital lifestyle is changing the way we interact in today's world. 'Always ON' expectations from businesses and government is becoming a reality as we embrace this digital lifestyle. Corporations and Governments are leveraging mobile device proliferation and communication technology revolution to offer best in class services for their customers. IT departments are leveraging the latest technology tools and platforms such as cloud computing, Virtualization and Big Data Analytics to bring value for businesses in driving growth, improving efficiency and reducing business risks. Establishments are seeing an unprecedented growth in data due to this changing and ever growing digital economy. At the same time the Security Threat landscape is ever evolving and increasing the risk posture for organizations and governments. The service expectations from IT departments to respond proactively to these massive changes occurring in real time for their employees, customers and business in general have also grown and continue to evolve.

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About Sequretek



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Funding / Mkt. Cap




Information Technology And Services





New Jersey


United States

Tech Stack (59)
