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South Island School

South Island School

South Island School (SIS) opened in 1977, initially as an annex of Island School, before moving to our current site on Nam Fung Road in 1983. Today, SIS is a thriving and highly successful member of the English Schools Foundation (ESF), with over 1400 students covering the full secondary age range from Year 7 to Year 13. In addition to working closely with the ESF, SIS is governed by our School Council and also has a very active PTA. SIS has recently introduced the IB MYP programme to Years 7-9, with the programme reaching Year 9 for the first time in September 2019. Our Years 10-11 curriculum consists mainly of (I)GCSE courses, with a small number of other courses also offered. In Years 12-13, our students study for the IB Diploma (IBDP) or IB Career-related Programme (IBCP). The vast majority of SIS students successfully achieve their university or further education ambitions, with destinations regularly including top universities in Hong Kong, the UK and the USA, as well as other overseas destinations. Pastorally, the school is divided into three learning families. Family Bauhinia meets the transition needs of students in Years 7-8 when they transfer to us from their Primary school, and these year-groups have their own dedicated Heads of Year. In Year 9, students transfer to Family Bamboo or Family Banyan and also join one of six houses, which are named Bahay, Casa, Kuca, Maison, Namas and Shtepi. All teachers are tutors, and are actively involved in our Pastoral Learning Curriculum (PLC). Our well-being team also includes school counsellors and a school nurse. The academic and pastoral curricula are complimented by our Values in Action curriculum, which incorporates a very wide range of extra-curricular activities, events and trips. Our overall aim is to 'make a difference' in our own lives, in our community and in the context of global citizenship. Our programme includes the annual Making a Difference Week (MaD Week), when the entire school is released from the regular timetable for one week, in order to undertake a community project or other MaD-related activity. The leading characteristic of SIS teachers is creative energy. This is a school where it is possible to innovate, to develop and to take risks within the teaching environment, as we seek to prepare our students for their futures, rather than for our own pasts. All students and teachers at SIS have MacBooks and the use of ICT is well developed through our approaches to pedagogy. Staff Development and planning time is strongly embedded within our regular structure, and all members of the community are expected to show a growth mindset on a daily basis. In summary, SIS is a happy school and a really successful school. We thank you for your interest in joining our team.

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About South Island School



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