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Skytel Llc

Skytel Llc

“Skytel” LLC was established in 1999 as the one of the leading communication companies in Mongolia and an operator with one third of customers in cell phone market. The company’s core business activ...ities include providing post-paid cellular services, such as VIP, BUSINESS CLASS, NICE based on CDMA2000 1x system standard technology, SKYCALL pre-paid services, d20 service for youth and children and the stationary wireless phone service, SKYPHONE. In addition, the Company deals with other services such as selling and renting cell phones and wireless internet services. Thanks to transference from AMPS system into CDMA IS-95B system in 2001 and introduction of CDMA2000 1x in 2004, the latest progressive technology of cellular phones, we are able to provide customers to make strongly encrypted calls and transmit and receive data at 2.4Mbps speed, the highest speed within the cell phone communication technology. Because radiation level with this technology is lowest, its impact to human health is the least. Skytel Company has successfully begun to provide “Smart” applications to customers through high speed, broad coverage and reliable network. In 2012, Skytel Company became a Group Company by uniting “Sky C&C”ХХК, “Skynetworks”ХХК, “UB Cinema”ХХК, “Sky Resort”Companies. - See more at: “Тэнгэрийн Холбоо” нэртэй СКАЙтел компани 1999 онд үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж эхэлснээр, үүрэн холбооны салбарт жинхэнэ шударга өрсөлдөөнийг бий болгож чадсан юм. Өнөөдөр СКАЙтел компани чанарын удирдлагын ISO9001:2008 стандартыг хэрэгжүүлэгч, Монголын 100%-ийн хөрөнгө оруулалттай Үндэсний групп компанийн түвшинд хүртлээ өргөжин, Монгол орон даяар 41 үндсэн салбар, 26 гэрээт салбар, 5300 гаруй гэрээт борлуулагчдаараа дамжуулан, хэрэглэгчдэдээ үйлчилгээний шинэ хэв маягаар, тав тухтай орчин нөхцөлд үйлчилж, хэрэглэгчдийн сэтгэл ханамжийг өндөр байлгахын төлөө компанийн үнэт зүйлс, хэтийн зорилго, эрхэм зорилгоо чандлан ажиллаж байна.

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