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Skyview Weather

Skyview Weather

Skyview Weather provides a tailored forecast with clients in mind. For example, a forecast from the NWS for a 30% chance of showers may be OK for the public, but a large water park with hundreds of people in the water needs more detailed information. Our service provides specific and precise storm location, direction, and lightning strike information. A snow removal company may understand from the radio that there is a chance for overnight snow, but the general forecast stops there. Alternatively, our service answers the following questions: What time will it begin snowing? Where will it accumulate? Will one area of the city receive more snow than another? Many companies and even city and county agencies need a higher level of accuracy and service than can be provided by radio, TV, the Internet or the National Weather Service. Skyview Weather fills this need. How does the National Weather Service Work? Most peoples' first contact with a weather forecast is usually hearing it on the radio or seeing it on TV. The forecast is presented, for example, as sunny and warm with a high of 80 degrees, or cold and cloudy with heavy snow. Now what actually did it take to put that forecast together? Let's start at the beginning. The National Weather Service gathers weather information from around the world, using weather balloons that sample the column of air above launch points and radios the information back. Ocean buoys gather both weather and ocean information. Weather satellites not only take pictures, but also sample the atmosphere for temperatures and winds. These satellites can also gather information on sea surface temperatures. Radar gathers information on rain and snow events and gives estimates as to how much rain or snow is falling. Not only that, but the new Doppler radars are so sensitive that they can give us wind and wind direction by detecting dust particles or even insects in the wind flow itself. A National Lightning Detection Network provides accurate locations of lightning strikes across the entire country. All this information is then fed into a super computer that uses a complex set of equations to forecast the weather one or more days ahead. These equations can be changed to give a slightly different forecast, depending on which equation or combination of equations that the super computer uses. These forecasts, in either text or map form, are now distributed to not only the public at large, but to radio and TV, private weather companies, government agencies and large companies that have weather concerns. Now, as anybody can tell you, even with all this technology the forecasts are not always right!

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