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Smithville Independent School District

Smithville Independent School District

On August 6, 1895 an election was held by the townspeople of Smithville to propose a tax which would provide free, public education to all students in Smithville. The proposition was defeated in a vote 93 against and 46 in favor. Seeing the need for free public education, the City Council offered the Masonic Lodge to the school district for a total cost of $1,000 to be used as the school building until the first bond issued was passed in 1907. The total bond amount was $2,500 and the funds were used to construct what is now known as Central School. Smithville I.S.D. officially became an independent school district by special action of the legislature in 1920. On April 14, 1924 the City of Smithville agreed to sell ten acres of land to the school district at a cost of $1,500. Work began immediately on a 2-story structure that contained a total of 12 classrooms, an administrative office and the city's first "official" real stage and auditorium. At this time, there were 861 students enrolled in Smithville I.S.D. This 1924 structure now houses the district administrative offices. In 1986, a 7.5 million dollar bond was passed that funded a new high school, a new elementary school, and a new high school gym. In 1993, the school district funded a $900,000 renovation project to the 1924 two-story "red brick" building from reserve funds. The building was placed back into service to house elementary classes from 1994 until 2000. In the summer of 2000 the building was converted to administrative offices and used for district administration. In October of 1994, a 4.9 million dollar bond was passed by the voters of Smithville to construct the new Brown Primary School Building and a new cafetorium. In December of 1998, an 11.5 million dollar bond proposal was defeated by the voters of Smithville. The proposed bond was going to construct a new high school and fund renovations to existing aging buildings in the school district. Student enrollments in Smithville remained pretty much constant from 1924 until 1970. In 1970 there were 925 students in Smithville schools. In the past thirty years the school enrollment has grown from 925 to 1807, almost doubling. In March of 2001, a 14.1 million dollar bond proposal was approved by voters by a 16 vote margin. The bonds will build a new high school located on a 100 acre site south of the city limits of Smithville. Construction began in early 2002. Two additional propositions were defeated by the voters. One would have added an extra practice gym to the new high school and the other would have built a new football stadium complex. In August, 2003, the new Smithville High School was dedicated and opened for service.

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About Smithville Independent School District










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