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Snow Financial Group

Snow Financial Group

The comprehensive financial plans of Snow Financial Group, LLC are designed to help clients achieve the following six goals: 1. One of the goals of Snow Financial Group, LLC is that each client's current generation of family, given enough time and resources, may retire at its own time and on its own terms with a high degree of confidence in the income planning that we perform. My aim is that through proper planning, the family's dignity and independence may not be compromised due to rising costs of living. 2. If a primary breadwinner dies prematurely, our goal is that each client's family's lifestyle might avoid devastating consequences. The intention of my financial design would be to help the family to remain in their home, keep education plans financially on track, and avoid any family's businessfrom being sold precipitously at a disadvantaged price. Through sound financial planning, I aspire to similar outcomes in the event of a client's disability. 3. Valuing education, Snow Financial Group, LLC aims for the children and/or grandchildren of each client's family to afford the most appropriate education for their children without the family or the children being burdened with excessive student loans. 4. Our objective for planning services also includes that each client's current generation, if necessary, may be able to contribute meaningfully to the support of its parents. Moreover, our work is designed to help this generation avoid becoming a financial burden to its children, even if extended nursing homestays are required. 5. Even as retirement income rises to offset inflating living costs, Snow Financial Group, LLC strives to coordinate financial plans so that each client's current generation's capital may continue to grow over time, endowing meaningful legacies to the succeeding generations. 6. Finally, my goal in the estate planning process is to reduce each client's risk of a forced sale of a family's important asset (home, business, etc.) due to a business owner's premature death or disability. This liability should be funded from residual capital, life insurance, and/or disability insurance. PLEASE NOTE: The information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. When you link to any of the web sites provided here, you are leaving this web site. NFP Securities, Inc. makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at these web sites. Nor is NFP Securities, Inc. liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your access to or your use of third-party technologies, web sites, information and programs made available through this web site. When you access one of these web sites, you are leaving our web site and assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the web sites you are linking to.

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About Snow Financial Group



Estimated Revenue






Financial Services







United States

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