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The Society for the Study of Social Problems

The Society for the Study of Social Problems

Founded in 1951, the Society for the Study of Social Problems promotes research on and serious examination of problems of social life. The SSSP works to solve these problems and to develop informed social policy. As a member, you will find peers and colleagues working together to develop and apply research which makes a difference. The SSSP promotes research and dialogue through presentations at the annual meeting; publications in Social Problems; awards to community groups; committee participation; consultation; and the generation of new ideas. Student members and newcomers are especially welcome. Dues and contributions to the society are tax deductible (to the extent permitted by law). Memberships are available to individuals and departments of colleges and universities. The benefits listed below are identical for individuals and departments (departments may distribute benefits among faculty and students as they prefer). How you'll benefit by joining the SSSP: Meet your peers who are interested in social problems and their solutions, from graduate students to established scholars, researchers, policy-makers, and community activists. Develop your network and fields of interest through SSSP. Join and become active in Special Problems Divisions focused on particular interests. Each division runs its own program at the annual meeting, elects its own chairperson and officers, and has its own newsletter. Volunteer for committee service. The society needs responsible committee members who can assist in various tasks. The Committee on Committees would be glad to hear of your willingness to serve. Committees work to recruit new members, to examine problems of freedom in research, publication and teaching, to make various awards, to manage the financial resources of the society, to conduct the election of major officers, and to planning for the future of operations of the organization. Participate in the annual meeting as a presenter, organizer, or attendee. The society has established two support funds to aid people who want to attend our annual meeting: The Lee Student Support Fund awards money annually to defray the cost of conference participation for student members. The Lee Scholar Support Fund awards money annually to scholars from economically disadvantaged countries where access to foreign exchange is often more limited to attend our annual meeting. Exhibit your publications, videos, and movies at our annual meeting. Contributing articles to Social Problems. Receive a free yearly subscription with your SSSP membership to Social Problems, the society's distinguished scholarly journal since 1953, published four times yearly by the University of California Press. All versions from 1953 - current are available. Receive division newsletters, which contain information about fields of interest and those working in them.

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About The Society for the Study of Social Problems














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