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Happy Pie Happy Pie

Happy Pie Happy Pie

Happy Pie Happy Pie

Akademi™ is a design studio with dig­i­tal focus. We want to make the modern world more acces­sible with sus­tain­a­ble, func­tional and delightful experiences. Grounding our work in an agile and col­...labor­ative process, paired with our deeply ro­oted pas­sion for exp­loration and know­ledge acqu­isit­ion, we create value by ap­ply­ing func­tio­nal aes­the­tics to in­sight — let­ting the ex­peri­ence be what drives iden­ti­ty. This is why we be­lieve in long term part­ner­ships — working with, not for people.

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About Happy Pie Happy Pie


Tech Stack (8)


Programming Languages And Frameworks

Platform And Storage

Devops And Development

Customer Management