Introducing Koala Prospector! Bringing Waterfall Enrichment to Reps

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Creation of five school clubs in the Bamenda highlands. Creation of a 2000 capacity nursery in Nkambe. Creation of three nurseries in Nkambe, and Bamenda with the capacity of producing some 6000 trees. Partnership with trees for the future to plant over 500000 trees across Donga Mantung Division through our agro-forestry programs. First awards from Rain birds intelligent use of water awards to restore four water catchments. First partnership with the Regional delegation of Environment, Protection of nature and Sustainable development (MINPEDED) to plant trees in six schools in the Bamenda highlands. First Grants from the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium to conduct research and conserve endangered endemic birds across the Bamenda highlands. First Grants from the Sacramento Zoo to conduct research and conserve endangered endemic birds across the Bamenda highlands. Launch of Your Environment a sensitization programe in partnership with 10 community radios across the Bamenda highlands. Creation of our Sustainable Bio-demonstration farms with 300 farmers already trained and supported. Partnership with the Pollination Project to train widows in our Sustainable Bio-demonstration farms in Bongom. First Partnership with the New England Biolabs foundation to improve agro-ecology in the South West and North West Regions. Creation of the great apes program and our community driven conservation of the Kom-wum forestreserve with the ARCUS foundation, Global Green Grants and the World-wide Funds for Nature (WWF). Launch of the Njising-Tabenken Montane forest initiative. Launch of Honey business with our locally supported farmers. Launch of research on Primates and Birds in the Mount Mbam and the NjisingTabenken forest. IUCN PPI Funded program with SEKAKOH to carry out community conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee in the Kom-Wum forest reserve. SURUDEV launches its humanitarian department. Launch of Sustainable Urban gardening Program. Launch of SURUDEVs Sustainable Clean Community Program. Sustainable Run for ...

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