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Team Gu

Team Gu

3. Limitation of Warranty and Liabilitya) Team Gu LLC makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.b) Neither party shall be liable for any indirect, punitive, exemplary, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of this agreement. Regardless of the form of any claim by either party, remedy is limited to 5 (five) times the amount of payments made by Client to Team Gu LLC under this Agreement.c) Team Gu LLC can take legal action for Client's breach of contract against the business, or the individuals that own the business. 4. Ownershipa) Material first produced or created by Team Gu LLC for Client under this Agreement shall belong exclusively to the Client, unless as noted above in #1 (if Client does not pay TEAM GU LLC will keep material ownership). TEAM GU LLC shall also retain ownership of any pre-existing TEAM GU LLC materials identified as or incorporated into a deliverable under this Agreement (as stated in the Proposal/Scope of Work sections). TEAM GU LLC grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, at no additional charge, to use such pre-existing materials for Client's internal business purposes only. Access to the pre-existing materials will be restricted to Client's full time employees. TEAM GU LLC has the right to keep websites locked until final payments are made, and will also lock access to all content developed (if CLIENT does not pay as per agreement.) Non-payment by CLIENT will facilitate legal action to take place.b) TEAM GU LLC shall retain all rights in its proprietary methodologies for delivery and Package Implementation services ("Methodology") which may be used by TEAM GU LLC and/or provided by TEAM GU LLC to Client during the course of the services. Client acknowledges holding TEAM GU LLC methodologies in confidence in accordance with the Confidentiality clause of this Agreement. 5. Independent ContractorTEAM GU LLC is an independent contractor and Client shall have no responsibility to provide fringe benefits or to withhold taxes normally withheld from an employee's pay on behalf of TEAM GU LLC employees. As covered under law, all payments will be made on time, or a stop work order will be released by TEAM GU LLC. We are not required to be held to a certain amount of profits, subscribers, or otherwise that a brand will or will not receive. We cannot be held responsible for lost profits. 6. Solicitation of EmployeesUnless otherwise approved in writing, for the term of this Agreement and twelve months beyond, neither party will offer employment to any employee of the other party or contract with, either individually nor through a third party, any current or former employee of the other party who was involved with the services provided under this Agreement. 8. Terminationa) Either party may terminate this Agreement or any Statement of Work Proposal only with thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party, and all payments will be required to be paid, unless it is for future work to be completed. he parties shall agree on all work to be completed during such thirty (30) day notice period. The effective date of such termination shall be the end of such (30) day notice period or such later date agreed to by both parties (the "Termination Effective Date") and written notice and formal agreement must be completed by both parties.

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North Carolina


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Tech Stack (35)
