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Thailand Environment Institute Foundation

Thailand Environment Institute Foundation

As part of the implementation of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)-supported project 'Towards Sustainable Development of Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS): Building Capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Climate Change Adaptation' (CCA), the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) is looking to build the capacity of CSOs on CCA. CSOs need to learn from each other's networks, and from researchers and scientists. Online communication is one of the effective tool that can enhance knowledge and understanding of CSOs in the GMS on national adaptation strategies or plans regarding water resources management (WRM) to enhance CSOs' capacity in adaptation. The access to information and participation in WRM related activities for CCA can be promoted among civil society in the GMS. A CSO network for the GMS on CCA has been created under this project. This network will help to develop online learning activities such as information, case studies, and news. In order to expand and strengthen this existing network, government officials and private firms in each country are also invited to join this online CSO GMS CCA network . The online communications will further support discussion and sharing on the potential role of CSOs in CCA, and formulate potential CSO activities such as CCA awareness raising, and engagement in CCA activities. The online communications will draw on experiences and cases from the region and beyond. This online network started with 30 members from TEI's CSO partner organisations from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Myanmar, Yunnan province of China, and Thailand.

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