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Tender Soles Farm

Tender Soles Farm

We have a farm stand right at the farm where you can come buy our fresh vegetables, herbs and flowers as they come into season. We offer a summer and winter vegetable and fruit share (CSA) as well as Senior Farm Shares. We grow a wide selection of organic seedlings for sale at our farm stand each spring. You can find our vegetables in several restaurants in Brunswick, Gardiner, Yarmouth and Augusta as well as the Gardiner Food Coop and Cafe. Kate is from Whitefield, Maine, where her first job was picking strawberries and beans at Uncas Farm in Whitefield. Rich grew up in Queens, NY where he spent as much time outside as possible and went on to teach at the Cornell Cooperative Extension SOAR program for 4 years before coming to Maine to learn how to farm. We have two draft horses, a very wonderful dog, and a special cat our 45 acre property right outside of downtown Richmond. We choose to farm with draft horses in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to close the nutrient cycle by using their manure to fertilize our vegetable, pasture, and hay fields, minimizing tillage, and working closer to the pace of our natural soil biology. In addition to vegetables, herbs, and flowers, we sell pork by the half, and eggs. Kate has her own line of herbal remedies while Rich provides Timber Stand Improvement and wood harvesting services using our draft horses. Stay tuned to our farm, what we have in stock in the farm stand, and events by signing up for our farm newsletter! Sign up here to receive our bi-monthly email newsletter! We will give you updates about the farm, events, plus what we have available at our farm stand. * Indicates required field

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About Tender Soles Farm

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