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The Faith Agency

The Faith Agency

At Faith we are an integrated agency, offering our services across multiple marketing platforms, underpinned by high level brand strategy and planning. That is a message that wasn't strong enough on the previous website, and one which we think gives us a competitive advantage over our competitors. We have a strong digital capability (if I don't say so myself) which wasn't obvious previously, and the new site highlights that with a modern aesthetic and HTML5 coding techniques. When we speak to our clients, we start with strategy. We talk about exposure, about being seen, and about brand values and direction. Our media department is growing, provides great value and is an essential part of what we consider to be integrated. Media and digital departments working closely together strengthen the quality of service that we can offer clients, resulting in better outcomes. Our studio team is creative at heart, and we wanted that part of the Faith personality to shine throughout the site. The home page is dominated by what we dub as "Creative Space", where our team is able to produce a creative idea and showcase it. All the illustrations used in the site and on each of the blog entries are hand drawn in house, adding that personal touch. More than anything it's the people that make Faith tick. When we speak to our clients, we start with strategy. We talk about exposure, about being seen, and about brand values and direction. We've taken our approach and applied it to our own website. It is not just a change to the user interface; we now present our work in a series of case studies, as opposed to just a series of work. It is part of what an integrated agency is all about; taking a project from start to end, using different mediums to showcase a brand and achieving measurable results. Part of our internal strategy was to identify the social channels that align with our brand. Our blog existed on the previous Faith website, but now the process has changed. We follow a regular schedule which encourages us to search for the latest trends and big ideas in our respective areas of expertise. We believe that this ongoing dialogue helps us understand the area we operate within; and given the speed of change within the industry we need to be diligent in making sure our skills and knowledge are always up to date. Social channels have long been part of digital strategy that we preach. So part of our internal strategy was to identify the social channels that align with our brand in the same way as we would with any of our clients. To create an ongoing process we first needed to produce a document which defined the strategy. We answer various questions: What outcomes do we hope to achieve? Who do we want to connect with? Where can we be found currently? Where do we want to be found? Is our offering appropriate and of quality? What type of content do we need to create? How do we measure success? Who will create and manage the content? By developing our strategy we were able to identify a need to be present across LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Vine, with Facebook coming online at a point in the future. Vimeo was no longer needed and a restructure of our eDM and how the database was managed was required. Google Plus is still relevant for SEO and was reviewed, but will require no regular updates. Each channel is to have its own unique message, LinkedIn will focus on circulating our blog articles to allow our clients to share in the knowledge we are acquiring. Twitter will start with a similar focus, but also have the ability to show contrasting points of view written by different experts via retweeting. YouTube will showcase the content that we produce across a range of production levels. Whilst our website is now focused on promoting our work through case studies, Instagram will act as a stream of work that is being produced. Not every piece of work falls within the narrative of a case study and Instagram allows us to be able to share these. Vine will act as a more informal channel, focusing on daily agency life, showing off Faith's company culture. Part of developing processes is to assign tasks to various staff members, but also provide them the tools for them to streamline their workflow. To run social media effectively we've invested in a number of management tools which run outside of the social platform which allows scheduling, metrics and automation. Apart from the content within the site, the building of it also had processes which made the entire project manageable. Regular meetings with set agendas and actionable tasks allowed us to stick to the timeline. We've identified that project management software may help in this area, allowing each collaborator to be set tasks with delivery deadlines while providing an overall view for management. As with writing our blog pieces, we aim to enhance our skills in the work that we complete. Building a website based around a strategy & process methodology has allowed all involved to learn, grow and better serve our clients.

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About The Faith Agency



Estimated Revenue






Marketing And Advertising



South Melbourne



