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The Grove

The Grove

With over 20 years of experience, Jaclyn is passionate about helping companies ramp up their brands, captivate their audiences, and take their businesses to new heights. She loves using her knowledge of strategic marketing, branding, and demand generation which has led her to working in marketing leadership roles in companies of all sizes, from tech start-ups to publicly traded companies. But thats not all shes passionate about. Admittedly, Jaclyn is pretty smitten with her babies Emma (16) and Anderson (7 months), two dogs, and husband, Ben. Thats right, Jaclyn has a teenager and a baby coffee is her best friend! While a bit nerdy, outside of the office Jaclyn is obsessed with research, and loves reading, cooking, jigsaw puzzles, reading, and..reading. Yes, totally nerdy, but we love her for it! Favorite Local Hot Dog Joint: Dairi-O Newest Addition to the Family: Anderson Growing up Grisson had two loves, art and science, and discovered the perfect blend of the two in the field of graphic design. With over 20 years of experience, Grisson has worked with everyone from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies in the banking, consumer goods, tech, and apparel industries. He has twice been awarded the London International Advertising Award and has been published in the Graphis Interactive Design Annual. When hes not leading the creative team, youll catch Grisson kayaking, running, quoting podcasts and spending quality time with his wife and their twins, whom he has officially branded N&a;M. "So I was listening to this podcast" count: 8,913 Katelyn joined The Grove team in 2012 after making the thirteen-hour trek from the swamplands of Louisiana to the mountains of North Carolina. A graduate of Louisiana Tech University, Katelyns road to design started much earlier in life through countless studio art courses eventually leading to a BFA in Communication Design. Obsessed with form and composition, Katelyn applies her knowledge of the arts to every design project at The Grove. And although she is a total color theory nerd, ...

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About The Grove



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Marketing And Advertising





North Carolina


United States

Tech Stack (39)
