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Jobs-to-be-Done provides a customer-centric framework for deciding if and how to invest resources in this new technology and ensure your efforts will create customer value. Don't rush to build; be swift but purposeful. Flocking to new technology without a clear strategy can be counter-productive and increase your risk of failure. Define your customer's job-to-be-done. Identify the unmet needs in the job-to-be-done. Answer these questions, "Can augmented reality help our customers meet these needs faster or more accurately? If so, how?" Measure if the new ideas will meet customer needs faster or more accurately than the existing solutions. Determine if you can integrate the ideas from Step 4 into your existing product or if you need to build something new. If you've gone online in the past week, even for just a moment, you've no doubt heard about Pokemon Go, the Augmented Reality game that has men, women and children taking to the streets, parks and museums in a fevered effort to catch 'em all. The game's success has sent Nintendo's stock soaring and Product Managers across the country are being asked: What's our AR strategy? As recently as last year, Augmented Reality was firmly ensconced in the Trough of Disillusionment on the Gartner Hype Cycle. However, Pokemon Go's success coupled with reports of it driving real in-store traffic and revenue, shows the technology is realizing its commercial potential. The distant, sci-fi promise of AR is here, now. If you're a Product Manager, you may have colleagues running rampant with "shiny new toy syndrome," asking when you'll have an AR solution ready to launch. Someone may have even written a press release already. The temptation to build first and ask questions later is strong, but it doesn't feel right to you. Prioritizing your existing road map was agonizing and re-allocating resources to the dream of AR will take away from key projects already underway. But, you don't want to appear staid, lacking in agility and dynamism, and, above all, you're a team player. Shouting down your better angels, you say, "OK, let's do a brainstorming session."

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