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Trearddur Bay Community Council

Trearddur Bay Community Council

We are elected by local residents and our period of office is normally four years. These elections are held in May at the same time as other local/general elections. Any vacancies that occur between elections (for example, by the resignation of a councillor) are advertised and filled by election or co-option. Community Councils provide the statutory tier of local government closest to the people. We act in the interest of the whole community by making decisions and recommendations to improve quality of life and the environment. Consulting and listening to the residents to understand their needs, their wishes and their concerns is an essential aspect of our work. Trearddur Community Council has a wide range of duties and powers. We are trustees of the village hall although this is run independently by a management committee, we have two elected members on this committee. We are responsible for the provision and maintenance of the play area, maintenance of bus shelters and public footpaths. We also have the right to comment on planning applications, public rights of way issues, traffic calming measures, local bye-laws etc. (We no longer consulted on licensing issues). The Council also employs a Clerk who acts as the Responsible Financial Officer who carries out the administrative work associated with the day to day running of the Community Council. Services we provide: We represent the residents of the Trearddur Community, we convey their concerns to the Community Council and, through it, to the County Council and Welsh Assembly Government; We report back to residents on issues affecting the Community; We negotiate with, and influence, those other organisations that make decisions that affect the community; We are consulted and give our views on Planning Applications; We are consulted and give our views on highway maintenance issues, traffic calming matters, parking issues, street naming etc. We deal with Public Rights of Way issues - footpath and bridleway maintenance; We contribute to the cost to running Maeshyfryd Cemetery; We maintain Lon Isallt children's play area; We maintain the bus shelters; We serve on other Committees and Boards on behalf of the Community; We are trustees of the Village Hall; We can spend a limited amount of money on anything that is deemed of benefit to the community; We give donations to local charitable causes. Council Documents

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About Trearddur Bay Community Council

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