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United Nations Kosovo Team

United Nations Kosovo Team

The United Nations Kosovo Team (UNKT) is firmly committed to working together with the Kosovo institutions and people to identify and achieve their own development aspirations and goals. This strong commitment underpins the United Nations Common Development Plan 2016-2020 (CDP), a five-year programmatic framework that describes the shared strategic priorities of the UNKT that will require the full range of expertise and resources from the United Nations programmes, funds and agencies. The CDP was designed via a two-track approach that combined traditional analysis and formal consultations with more informal efforts to redesign the way that the UNKT members collaborate as a team. By lightening process burden as much as possible while at the same time fostering new mental models, behaviors and relationships, the UNKT is working to construct a more organic, less formal and more fluid approach to working that provides the necessary space for thinking together, learning together and acting together. The results set out in the CDP will serve as a mutual accountability framework for the UNKT and its implementing partners in Kosovo. It is closely aligned to both the emerging global Sustainable Development Goals as well as to the European integration agenda. By focusing its combined resources on strengthening governance and rule of law, social inclusion, and environment and health, the UNKT seeks to leverage its unique, comparative advantages in pursuit of positive, transformative changes that will benefit all Kosovars.

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About United Nations Kosovo Team











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