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With values focused on the culture of learning and delivery with excellence, knowledge sharing is in the blood of the company and, precisely for this reason, vnt/school was born. In this article, the aim is to further address the origins of vnt/school, its objectives, its differential, among other equally relevant information. For this, we have all the expertise of Priscila Maria Salvaterra Botto Barbosa, who is a training specialist and also responsible for the corporate university. Continue reading and understand everything that is interesting to know about this initiative! What is the origin of vnt/school? Initially, it is essential to point out that corporate universities were born from the need of the corporate education area to approach the strategic decisions of companies. The aim was to have a sustainable and competitive differential, continuous professional development and, therefore, the generation of results. In this sense, Priscila also points out that "it is a look at skills development not only to achieve a better performance in the current activities of employees, but, yes, for the future" . The idea is to have people ready for new projects and positions when such opportunities arise. What are the goals os this university? As the main objective of vnt / school, it is possible to highlight the promotion of capacity building and the development of technical and behavioral skills of technology professionals - contributing not only to entrepreneurs, but to the IT community as a whole, with trainings and events aimed at mixed and exclusively external audiences. That is, quality training is offered to the technological community and, consequently, there is a collaboration for the formation of new talent and an opening to the labor market. Priscila highlights, in this context, a survey conducted by Brasscom , which evidences such a need. The survey indicates that, in 2024, if there is no strong investment in the training of new professionals, it is possible that the technology area will present a gap of 260 thousand professionals. How are the competencies that vnt/school seeks to develop evaluated? Priscila explains that, annually, a survey of organizational needs is made that indicate which training will be offered during the year. This survey is made from: strategic demands; technological radar; information contained in the Individual Development Plan (PDI) of the venturers. About the latter-the PDI -, it is interesting to note, even, that it is resumed annually, however, it is worked throughout the year. Employees go through the annual performance evaluation period and, from the notes raised (the strengths and those that require improvement) with the managers, actions or questions are selected to be worked on during the new evaluation cycle. After the survey and analysis of the materials that will be disseminated, the annual schedule of actions is structured. "During the year, if a need arises that was not initially indicated, we analyze it taking into account our strategy and then carry out or not the action" , score Priscilla. Why are vnt/school technical trainings a differential? "In our training actions, we seek to develop content that focuses both theory and practice" , Priscilla details. In addition, she adds that the performance is based on the 70/20/10 model and based on andragogy-education aimed at adults. The head of the Venturus corporate university also points out that there is a search for the co-construction of the actions with the students. Thus, the relevance of working on learning collaboratively is taken into account. From this perception, one of the biggest missions of this initiative, which is to disseminate high-quality technical knowledge, also gains visibility. This is because Venturus has as one of its cultural pillars the learning and, as one of its objectives, the recognition for technical excellence. The differentials os Venturus corporate university

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