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Warren Editions

Warren Editions

Warren Editions - based in Cape Town, South Africa - is a professional printmaking studio that publishes and prints fine art prints. The studio collaborates with established and emerging artists such as Sanell Aggenbach, Hanneke Benadé, Jan Henri Booyens, Katherine Bull, Tom Cullberg, Jean de Wet, Paul Edmunds, Georgina Gratrix, Dan Halter, Marlise Keith, Gerhard Marx, Maja Marx, Bangikaya Maqoqa, Danielle Mooney, Sipho Mpongo, Brett Murray, Christian Nerf, Vulindlela Nyoni, Jody Paulsen, Matty Roodt, Wilhelm Saayman, Lionel Smit, Michael Taylor, Hentie van der Merwe, Toon Verhoef, Max Wolpe and Ina van Zyl. If there's a word that encapsulates the essence of what happens at WE, it's 'collaboration'. As a professional printmaking studio, Warren Editions facilitates a dynamic relationship between artist and printmaker - a dialogue of praxis, of creative experimentation and technical expertise. It's why the acronym 'WE' exists, capturing as it does something of this collaborative spirit. Steered by printmaker/owner Zhané Warren, Warren Editions balances a commitment to traditional processes with a creative and flexible attitude, the studio specialises in the intaglio techniques of etching, photogravure and photo-polymer, as well as monotype and relief. Works are available for sale at the studio, and can be viewed anytime. Alternatively, prints can be previewed and purchased online. At Warren Editions value is placed on projects that contribute meaningfully to the discourse of contemporary art and culture in South Africa. Warren Editions collaborates, under the lead of Zhané Warren, not only with established artists but also emerging ones - visual practitioners who, although not primarily printmakers, share our belief in printmaking as a contemporary medium. For the artist, realising a project at Warren Editions is an exploratory process, a conversation. Initiated by the artist's vision, and facilitated by the skills and experience of a dedicated printmaking team namely Morné Visagie, Roxy Kaczmarek and Janet Mbirimi. Zhané Warren is personally involved in all projects; sharing her experience, introducing appropriate techniques, and encouraging artists to explore various possibilities - and in so doing to discover, in print, their own visual language. This sort of layered collaboration between artist and studio, this partnering of play and organisation that is printmaking, invariably leads to new and exciting directions in an artist's practice. Warren Editions fosters a culture of learning in regards to printmaking. A pedagogue at heart, Zhané has run workshops in intaglio, monotype, photo-polymer and the properties of mould-made paper. Details on future workshops are posted online, on facebook and in the studio's newsletters (join our mailing list). The studio also runs an active internship programme. Prospective interns submit applications, and on acceptance spend two months working in the studio, learning valuable printmaking skills within a professional environment. Interns spend two and half days a week (of their two months) assisting on studio projects, and are encouraged to pursue a personal printmaking project in the time remaining. Aside from the beautiful view, bright natural light and excellent coffee, the studio at Warren Editions is a fresh and flexible space - as much a personal workspace for the artist as a working printmaking facility. With four presses at our disposable the largest measuring 3 x 1,5 m, our custom-made presses handles extra large plates and full paper sheets, whilst the layout and functionality of the various print stations - from inking and wiping to aquatint application - reflects the ergonomics of a studio in action. When it comes to the storage and handling of prints, the love for works on paper is reflected in strict archival practice.

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About Warren Editions

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