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WeTeachMe also helps us promote our classes on which helps a lot. In addition, even if a visitor to WeTeachMe doesn't end up buying, they're still exposed to the Convent Bakery brand name. They might not come to the class but they have seen us, they might have read about us, they might even come to the cafe for a coffee or lunch! There are a ton of extra value-adds that we're in love with at Convent Bakery. Before WeTeachMe, our classes weren't really selling out. Occasionally, they did but not on a regular basis. Since WeTeachMe, our bread classes have consistently sold out time and time again, often months in advance. At a minimum, the classes definitely get full faster. Another great advantage that WeTeachMe helped with was reducing the number of calls that were made to the Convent Bakery Team. Now all the relevant information a person needs to have to make an informed decision is contained online. The Convent Bakery Team is a great deal happier. Describe in 1 word what life before WeTeachMe was like, and what life after WeTeachMe is like? Life before WeTeachMe was a: HEADACHE. Life after WeTeachMe is: BLISS. What can we expect next from Convent Bakery? At this point, because the classes work very well, we might want to look at other things to go ahead and see if there is appetite. For example. we're thinking about coffee courses as we do sell quite a bit of coffee beans. We'd also like to look at homemade pasta and pizza classes. Pasta classes might be interesting as our pasta is made with different grains and is fresh and homemade. Basically anything that people can make at home that is both healthy and easy to prepare. Is there anything else you want to add? You guys have been great. We love WeTeachMe and we'll keep using the service, especially as we expand to other things. I would recommend WeTeachMe to anyone and any businesses. When you realise how much more efficient you can be, you won't look back. Does this sound like something you would be interested in? If you currently or plan to run a course-based business, we'd love to start the conversation. We're incredibly confident in the value that we provide (in fact, there's an entire page dedicated to client testimonials and case studies!) and we're ready to work with you if you are. At the end of the day, we're all about delivering overwhelming value for every person or organization that we work with, and absolutely love it when we get feedback like the above. If you like what you read, get in contact with the team by emailing [email protected] and ask us how we can help. We can't wait to hear from you and discover what we can do to help transform your business.

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