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Wollol s.r.l.s

Wollol s.r.l.s

Wollol - Sign-upWollol - Password RecoveryHello,The field is mandatory. o notification availableShow allHOW DID WE COME UP WITH THE IDEA OF WOLLOL? In the last few years, the Internet and the increasingly powerful and accessible technology devices are flooding us with digital information, images and other media that are easily lost or often difficult to find. We have photos and memories scattered everywhere between computers, mobile phones, hard disks, keyboards, CDs, old family albums, drawers, networking across social, mixed with unrelated or futile things. Most of the tools available today reflect the current historical moment, focusing more on the snapshot, or the short-lived and the shallowness of many content; plus, oftentimes is not easy find a memory ( like a photo or a note) that you are looking for. So the idea of Wollol was born to preserve, in a single space, our own precious memories, to share them or not, to keep them and even hand them over , and least but not last, to provoke positive emotions by re-experience those feelings and valuable moments. A new and futuristic way to tell your story and to leave your enduring mark that goes down in History! WHAT'S WOLLOL? Wollol is the guardian of your memories. With Wollol you can save your important memories and tell your story; with images and words describing the most significant moments you create the Timeline of your life. With Wollol, you can travel through the Time and History of each of us, it is a first-hand account of your unique life experience!. ou can also choose whether to share your memories or not and who you share them with: it could be with your family, friends, or the whole world or use it as a private memory archive, accessible only to you wherever you are. WHAT IS THE TIMELINE? The Timeline, is the history of memories, a journey through the Time along and Story of each of us. Your Timeline is your History, where you can save the most significant moments of your life through images and texts. Saved memories are sorted chronologically, but you can even customize your History using #hashtags, allowing you to filter memories by specific themes. By selecting a #hashtag, you can only view themes related to the themes on the Timeline (eg, if you select #travels, you will only see travel memories i.e. those memories in which text is contained #travels). Inside the Timeline, you can have as many Timeline as many #hashtags used: so many stories in one! You can choose whether to make your Timeline visible to everyone or decide what and who you share it with, even to use it as a completely private memories archive tool. #HASHTAG: WHAT IS IT AND HOW DO I USE IT? In your Timeline, your memories are sorted chronologically, but you also have the option to use #hashtags that will allow you to better customize your story, sorting your memories according to the content. #hashtag is a word or phrase (without spaces) preceded by a cache (for example: #ads, #family, #amore, #imagebigs, etc.), a kind of label to classify your memories and find them easily. Using the same #hasthtag on multiple memories, you and other users who view your Timeline will be able to filter it by displaying only memories with that specific #hashtag. The # hashtag allows you to explore the everyone's Story by different themes and get to know about changes and evolution over time. You can also search for a #hashtag in "Search" to see the memories of other users associated with that #hashtag (in th results of your search you will only see public memories and those ones of your friends you have access to). Thus, this label also makes your memory appear in the results of other users search (based on the privacy setting of that memory) facilitating contacts between people of similar interest. You can use more #hashtags for the same memory. he list of the most used #hashtags is visible on each profile. WHAT IS A TAG? You can tag (mention) other users in your memories simply by writing in the "@nome User" text; The tagged user will receive a notification that was mentioned in your memory (unless you have disabled this feature in Settings). HOW DO YOU UPLOAD A MEMORY? Uploading a memory and a post it on your Timeline is simple: click on the yellow hourglass at the bottom right of the screen. After that: • choose an icon based on the memory theme (travel, family, sports, etc.); • write a title * (mandatory field); • Write a text and / or upload one or more images (you can choose the images to upload from your folders or click it instantly from your device (cell phone, tablet, or computer) • select the memory date * (mandatory field) and the place; • Choose the public who can see  it (all, friends, group or just me). By clicking on "Publish" your memory will be placed at the exact point of your Timeline. WHICH MEDIA CAN I UPLOAD? You can upload and store your memories on Wollol in the form of images and texts. BMP, TIFF, CR2, and RAW formats are not accepted. CAN I CANCEL OR MODIFY A MEMORY I HAVE UPLOADED? Of course! At any time, you can delete or edit your memory by clicking on the three dots on the top right of each of them. When you edit the memory, you can delete, add or edit images, edit text, add tags, and / or #hashtag, change privacy, date, and place. WHO CAN SEE MY TIMELINE? By default, every memory you upload on your Timeline is public, but before or after publishing, you can choose who can see it i.e.only your friends, one of your groups or you could be the only one who can see it. If you go on the Menu and click on Setting you can change the default privacy settings of the memories you will upload; you still have the possibility to change the privacy for any memory at any time. WOW! nce you have given the group a name, you can immediately start inviting your friends to join it and / or you can also invite them later once the group is created. ou can also upload immediately a photo to identify the group or do it later. HOW TO UPLOAD A MEMORY IN A GROUP? If you want to upload a memory and show it only visible to the members of a specific group you belong to, simply select the privacy of the memory on « Group only » and choose the group you want to share your memory with. The memory will be visible (exclusively to the members of the group) both along your own Timeline and on the Timeline dedicated to the group. HOW DO I MANAGE / MODIFY / CANCEL MY GROUPS? From the Menu, by clicking on « My Groups » you go to the list of the groups you have created (of which you are an administrator) and those in which you have been invited. You can change the settings only for the groups you created yourself. Click on the group you want to edit to open the group page and access the group settings page by clicking on the pencil that appears next to the group name. You can change the date of birth of the group (If you do not change it, the date of birth of the group is automatically the same as the date of creation of the group), upload or change the picture of the group, invite friends to join or ban them and even delete the group itself. CAN I LEAVE A GROUP? By clicking on "Invite Friends" in the Menu, you can send, to the friends you choose, the Wollol link via Facebook, Email, Whatsapp, Telegram (depending on the device you are using). This will help us expand the Wollol community to make your experience as unique as possible! WHO IS THE AUDIENCE OF WOLLOL? WHO ARE THE USERS OF WOLLOL? To all those who want to personally tell their story through their memories and leave their own mark, communicate with future generations and leave a virtual legacy behind. ut also for those looking for a simple tool to keep their memories and keep them alive, accessible anywhere, anytime, from any device with an internet connection. f you are a collector of memories, if you like to travel through time through emotions or if you have ever asked yourself what kind of legacy you would leave to future generations, Wollol is for you! HOW IS WOLLOL DIFFERENT FROM OTHER SITES, SOCIAL, APPLICATIONS AND INSTRUMENTS? Rather than offer an instant-time experience, with unlimited data loading ,overcrowding of often unimportant information, Wollol offers you a different vision of Time, believing more in the value and eternity of certain moments which trigger a set of emotions. Wollol allows you to save and bring together the most significant memories of your life in a single, easily accessible and voluntarily limited space, but optimized to better summarize your story. However, you will have the option to get more space (this feature will be available soon). IS WOLLOL FREE? Yes, both the registration and use of Wollol are free. The free version offers you  a limited space that is optimized to be functional . However, in order to increase the quality of the service offered by Wollol, you can decide whether to buy more space (this feature will be available soon). his way, among other things, allows us to avoid or at least limit the loading of inappropriate content which is probably more suitable for other sites. HOW MUCH SPACE AVAILABLE DO I HAVE IN THE FREE VERSION? You have 100MB free of charge. Loaded images are suitably resized to allow you to make the most out of your free space. On average, you can upload hundreds of photos and a large amount of texts. his way, among other things, allows us to avoid or at least limit the loading of inappropriate content which is probably more suitable for other sites. HOW CAN I GET MORE SPACE? Wollol provides you with an adequate and comfortable free of charge space that will be functional to your use. However, if it is not enough, you can buy additional space (this feature will be available soon). I AM A COMPANY, ORGANIZATION OR CELEBRITY, CAN I USE WOLLOL? Sure! Wollol also allows professionals, associations, public figures, and so on to tell and share their story, the story of  their products or brands, their career and / or private life moments. At this point, you just have to: • select the type of user (Personal Profile, Company, Association etc.) and enter the required fields, at least the mandatory ones, such as your date of birth (or foundation date in the case of companies). WHAT IS THE FEATHER? This is the notification icon: when you receive a notification you will see a red dot and the number of notifications received. You can receive notifications when you have a friend request, when tagged in a memory from another user, when someone makes WOW to a reminder or post a comment. By clicking on the Feather you can consult your notifications. rom the "Settings" menu, you can also choose what actions you want to receive the notifications for (notify comments on my memories, Notify the memories I'm tagged in, Notify the WoW on my memories). WHAT CAN I SET IN SETTINGS? From the menu, by clicking on 'Settings', you can customize your profile by changing some settings:   General: • Default Privacy of Your Memories (All, Only My Friends, Only Group, Only Me): Choose the default privacy, but you still have the ability to change privacy  for every single memory; • Default language; • Automatically accept tags: If you automatically accept tags, when tagged in a memo of another user, your name appears blue (ie clickable) on that memory; If you do not automatically accept tags, each time a user tagged you on a reminder, you receive the notification and you can choose whether or not to accept that tag. If you do not accept the tag, your name will also appear on that reminder, but will not be clickable, so it can not be linked to your Timeline.   Notifications: • Notify comments on my memories; • Notify the memories in which I am tagged in; • Notify the WOW on my memories.   Password: • Change Password. LANGUAGE: HOW CAN I CHANGE IT? When you log-in into Wollol ,you have the option to change the language (bottom right on  the screen); or, if you are logged in, go to Menu or Settings. The service will be implemented with other languages slowly but surely. IS THE WOLLOL APP AVAILABLE? The Wollol App is not currently available, but you can still sign up, sign in, navigate and upload your memories on Wollol from smartphone, tablets, and computers. Being a responsive site is optimized for computer browsing, but it also fits with surfing from smartphones and tablets (for a better experience Wollol recommends computer browsing). END A FEEDBACK: WHAT’S THE PURPOSE? Wollol relies on its users and on the experience they have within the service; for this reason, we would welcome your advice in order make you happier and more satisfied!

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About Wollol s.r.l.s



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