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Woodland Christian High School

Woodland Christian High School

Woodland Christian High School has always prided itself on providing the best quality secondary education in a Christian environment - one that revolves around God's Kingdom and celebrates His covenant. Since its inception in 1976, Woodland has received over 1000 families into its community and graduated 1500 students - a wonderful testament of God's love. Parents and students alike tell us that we provide the best education that they could wish for. We continue to be thankful to our Lord for all these blessings. However these blessings also speak to the continual need and desire to pursue academic excellence that demonstrate our Christian values. It is incumbent on the school, from time to time, to review its mandate, discuss the issues the school faces and effectively manage those challenges - now and in the future. We recognize that our world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. The list of culture-shaping movements that impact our world, our high school, and our individual lives is growing in both numbers and force. Included in this expanding list are forces of secularization, globalization, technology, ecology, and other realities unknown even a decade ago. And yet, we also recognize that there are immovable spiritual principles to which we must hold fast amid the torrent of such changing realities and sometimes opposing forces. Our planning process has considered where Woodland needs to advance to accommodate new realities while we (re)identify the core, foundational values that should define us in our mission to equip our students for lives of Christian faith and service. A copy of our current strategic plan is available directly online HERE. The main themes of our plan are as follows: Woodland's first-class faculty provides academic excellence, across the disciplines, for all types of learners. Woodland students know, understand, and fully embrace a worldview that sees Jesus Christ as the focal point through whom they find their place, their calling, and their worth. Woodland is a welcoming environment, identified by its respect and care for those within the school community and for people in our neighbourhoods and around the world. Woodland is an organization that lives within its means as it strategically grows its ability to fulfill its mission. Woodland Christian High School and our students are active and engaged citizens within the wider community as we authentically communicate our story. Woodland maintains a governance structure, administration, facility, and transportation plan that effectively support its mission. Woodland enhances the educational experience of our students by offering a range of co-curricular activities, each one structured and run to advance the school's mission.

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About Woodland Christian High School







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