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One-on-One Educational Services

One-on-One Educational Services

Over the years, the company has maintained a very high standard of academic excellence for their students through the flagship Class-of-10 brand, maintaining a 97-100 % pass rate; in 2014, the company recorded 100% passes in CSEC mathematics from the 95 students taking the exam, with 83% attaining a grade one (1), including the top national award for CSEC Mathematics being awarded their student, Mr. Michael Pryce. In May 2013, the company embarked on a mission to leverage the successes of the class-of-10 brand to deliver personalized e-learning courses for students and corporate entities throughout the Caribbean. This vision was shared and further funded by a pool of five (5) investors in August of the same year. The Company received additional funding in May 2014 which facilitated the company's expansion into the e-learning business by leveraging their 'personal' concept to create a number of e-learning courses and platforms. As a result, the company has developed a number of online courses for the Caribbean high school curriculum and in March 2015, launched its revolutionary online learning platform, MyLocker®, which is designed to change the face of the e-learning Industry in Jamaica and by extension, the Caribbean. This innovation was awarded the Best Innovation in Education at the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining's National Innovation Award in 2014. Prior to raising capital in 2014, the company operated from Ricardo's living room; since then, the company has established its corporate office in New Kingston while relocating physical classes to Liberty Academy at the Priory. The concept of One-on-One is to inspire students to learn through mentorship, innovation and quality lessons that are delivered in a personalized environment. Furthermore, a key element of the program is to use the life story of our Managing Director, Ricardo D. Allen, as a means of motiving and inspiration students to learn from the concept, "if I can do it, so can you!". Meet the Team

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About One-on-One Educational Services



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