3fs d.o.o
ThirdFrameStudios is primarily a web company that is focusing on providing the communication technology between the web world and the mobile carriers world. They work closely with big telco partners like Ericsson and try to combine the existing telco technology with its potential web usage. Their products and services rely heavily on high demand telecom standard technology but at the same time they use their own RnD tricks to add that cherry on the top using classic web approach of constant development, upgrading and polishing with non stop communication with their end users. Their RnD department plays the most important role in the company and is responsible for many applications that are almost completely web, but do share the common knowledge and experience gained during the years of telco grade application development experience. ThirdFrameStudios is also a key developer in the Pixl8r/Lifestore concept designed by Ericsson for inter operator web communication and is also the lead developer of their social media portal project, developing core, framework and API.