Quality services delivered simply and personally! 4Service was established in 2010 with the goal of becoming Norway's leading service provider within staff restaurants and canteen, catering and cleaning services. We have seen incredible growth in ten years and today have around 3,000 employees. 4Service has customers nationwide and many have been with us since our very first years. Together we are helping to shape the workplaces of tomorrow. We have continually expanded our portfolio of services through strategic acquisitions and the company saw turnover of NOK 2.1 billion in 2019. We deliver our services through concepts such as 4Service Camps, 4Service Offshore, De Tre Stuer, Eir, Gastro Catering and Søtt+Salt. Adapting our concepts and services means we can and do serve everything from office buildings to offshore installations. We adjust to suit the individual customer's needs and offer digital solutions to simplify operations. We are also proud to have the industry's most dedicated and motivated employees because that is the best guarantee of high-quality deliveries.