African Heritage Institution
The library was established in February 2002 to provide up-to-date data and information for AfriHeritage's evidence-based research. As a result, the library houses resources both in hard and soft (virtual) format in social sciences especially in the areas of economics and related disciplines. The library has millions of e-resources through its collaboration and partnership with the JSTOR, OARE, IDRC and host of other institutions. The library is also equipped with up-to-date books and journals of international standard like the AERC, IMF, AJEP, UNRISD, Levy Institute, CBN, World Bank, UNDP, NBS and others. As a special library, a Closed Access policy is used and as a result, usage is restricted to staff, fellows, and postgraduate students. Lending is restricted because of the unique nature of the library but reprography is allowed. The Library has been going through the process of automation since 2013. Currently, more than half of the traditional library system has been automated (i.e. materials can be digitally viewed, searched and retrieved from the library as quick as possible). This is done using the LibPlus Library software and by the professional and technical know-how through practice, trainings, workshops andseminars across the country.