AFRINIC - was set up to serve the African community by providing professional and efficient management of Internet Number Resources, supporting Internet technology usage and development, and promoting a participatory and multi-stakeholder approach to Internet self governance. AFRINIC is a non-government, not-for-profit, membership based organisation, based in Mauritius. Trainings and capacity building are a central part of AFRINIC's activities. Our objective is to build competence within our region in IPv6 implementation and associated technologies required to use our resources effectively. We also seek to increase awareness within the service region on how the Internet is governed and the role organisations play in this environment. Internet Society (ISOC) - is the world's trusted independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future development. Based on its principled vision and substantial technological foundation, the Internet Society works with its members and Chapters around the world to promote the continued evolution and growth of the open Internet through dialog among companies, governments, and other organizations around the world. France Telecom Orange - is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators with 170,000 employees worldwide, 105,000 in France alone. Present in 33 countries, the Group had 231 million customers as of 31 December 2012, including 172 million mobile customers and 15 million broadband Internet (ADSL, fibre) customers worldwide. It had ,sales of 43.5 billion euros in 2011. Orange is one of the main European operators for mobile and broadband Internet services. Under the brand Orange Business Services, it is one of the leading providers of telecommunication services to multinational companies.
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