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AIN.UA is a popular Ukrainian online magazine on IT business, startups, technology and entrepreneurship. Every month we select the most critical news and produce our own stories, read by more than two million people. AIN.UA has been published since 1999. All this time we have highlighted the situation on Ukrainian Internet market: deals and launches, success stories and failures, guidelines, case studies and investigations. We also publish breaking global news. We are the advocates of professional journalism and verified facts. We also greatly value the freedom of information dissemination and publish personal opinions in the respective section. In 2018 some of the materials of AIN.UA became available in English. Local tech scene is 'local' only just figuratively speaking. Ukrainian startups are initially focused on international markets. Product companies are included into international industry ratings. Outsourcing works with clients from all over the world. Global players enter Ukrainian market, opening R&D offices, acquiring and investing into local companies. There are no boundaries. At the same time, there is a very limited amount of available verified and regularized information on the Ukrainian tech scene in English. This is particularly relevant for startups, deals, labor market, expertise and legal ecosystem for running business in Ukraine. Finally, a majority of notable stories even has never been told in English. The European and global markets are fragmented and clustered around the largest and oldest hubs. Ukraine is still a terra incognita for these markets. AIN.UA is going to fill this gap.

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