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Airbag Industries

Airbag Industries

It started in 2002 and thus far has had a pretty good run. This site was originally designed and developed by Greg and built on the Movabletype, one of the first content management systems that helped bring about blogging as an easy-to-use format for publishing on the Internet. That site ran strong for a good twelve years on a Mac mini before it gave out for good. You are using the third version of this site. It was designed by Greg, developed by Stephen Caver, and engineered by Jesse Gardner (who did a tremendous job migrating all of the site's data from the old server). As a website is never finished, expect to see changes from time-to-time. The site features a single typeface, FF Franziska, to provide a better reading experience. Franziska was designed by Jakob Runge as part of his graduate study in typography and continued to improve with the help of the folks at FontFont. As a side note: Helvetica sucks. This site currently uses a combination of Github, Hugo, and Netlify to store, manage, and serve the content. Forestry is used as a visual interface for editing the stories and links. About the Name

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About Airbag Industries

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Aliso Viejo




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Tech Stack (43)


Programming Languages And Frameworks


Customer Management

Finance And Accounting

Content Management System

Email Hosting Providers

Web Servers

Syndication Techniques