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The American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences

The American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences

The AJIRAS is a peer-reviewed journal, encourages ongoing international research and information exchange through publication of latest advances, research reports/ breakthroughs. The journal's full text is available online at The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents. The Journal aspires to provide International scientific/ scholarly communication, platform for dissemination of research through our journal publications. he AJIRAS is published in English or French. The AJIRAS is lead by high profile Editorial Board throughout the world and provides the editors with expert refereeing, ensuring the high quality of articles published in the Journal. The Journal appreciates the submission of manuscripts that meets the prevalent criteria of significance, relevance and scientific excellence. All submissions should be sending electronically See icon ''SUBMT MANUSCRIPT''. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. The statements and opinions contained in the articles of The American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the Jouranl or Atlantic Center for Research Sciences. The appearance of advertisements in the Journals is not a warranty, endorsement, or approval of the products or their safety. The AJIRAS and the Atlantic Center for Research Sciences disclaims responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in any article or advertisement. Notice regarding inquiries: The AJIRAS has a transparent and rigorous publications ethics policy. The AJIRAS does not address inquiries or discuss perceived or actual ethical infractions with individuals, groups, or organizations not directly involved with the matter, including the media. The journal invites scientists to submit their work that illustrates how commonly used methods and techniques are unsuitable for studying a particular phenomenon. American Journal of Innovative Research & Applied Sciences strongly promotes and invites the publication demonstrating an improvement in knowledge. The aim of the journal is to provide all researchers, and physicians with responsible and balanced information in order to improve experimental designs, take decisions, and describe a phenomenon related to specific field of sciences.

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