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Apex Logic

Apex Logic

Apex Logic was founded in 1998 by a group of software developers and project managers who felt that something was terribly wrong with the way big firms do IT consulting. We formed Apex Logic to provide customers with higher quality software producst and much lower costs. To do so, we became process-driven (not process bound) and decided to only use open source products in our applications. At first this was not easy since many of the old processes that customers were familiar with, such as waterfall and spiral were no longer valid with the rapid lifecycle of the Internet age; and many customers did not feel that open source would work, by adopting the mantra "you get what you pay for". However, over time both of these fears would subside and early adopters would show the viability of products such as Linux, Apache web server, MySQL database, JBoss application server, and much more. Now we have competing open source products that get better and better everyday. Over time, we also began to focus our target market. We started out building electronic commerce applications for Fortune 500 companies, but soon we found ourselves immersed in healthcare applications. In 2001, we decided that we would only work in the Health IT space have stayed true to that since. The year 2008 was a pivotal year for us, since we started to shift from a consulting business towards a product company. By the end of 2009, we will introduce several products in the healthcare IT marketplace that will surely stir up some buzz, so be sure to stay tuned.

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About Apex Logic



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Consumer Discretionary

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Automobiles & Components









United States

Tech Stack (49)
