Aport.ru is an advanced commodity aggregator, covering almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Price comparison site covering consumer electronics and home appliances (mobile phones, computers, monitors, audio, video, photo, other goods). This platform was one of the first started in 1996 as a search system to index all ru.net. Site was started in 76 main regions, such as moskva.aport.ru, spb.aport.ru, ekaterinburg.aport.ru. More than 75% of traffic is generated in regions, 60% is organic traffic. Now Aport.ru is one of Top-5 product aggregators in ru.net, conceding yandex.market, wikimart and torg.mail.ru. The platform operates with large data sets, which allows to maximally meet user needs. Catalog of goods includes more than 20 classifications, monthly audience is 2 000 000 unique visitors, number of pages viewed is equal to 15 000 000.