"Appointy didn't just solve our scheduling challenges, it allows our staff to focus their effort on faster, better quality video production. Appointy is saving us time, money, and allowing our staff to work more efficiently for only pennies a day." What an amazing and rewarding surprise we found on our e-mail inbox yesterday morning! We received a video testimonial from an Appointy client, "Southern Channel, Charter Cable - Channel 18, which made the start of 2012 an absolute bliss. See how is helping clients around the world. We are truly honored by this gesture and could not be more thankful. Days like this encourages everyone at Appointy to race the bar and to succeed our clients' expectations. Who would have thought 3 years ago when Appointy began with a small idea but with great expectations, that Appointy would be leading the scheduling software era, with over 19,000 business in 78 countries. It all started in a small bedroom office, in a small town; but we have proven today that big ideas can come from anyone, big success stories can come from anywhere. All you need is a strong determination, a clear vision, and to never loose your principles along the way.