ARCS is a unique program that cannot be compared to the conventional structure of most online schools because the ARCS Coaching Certification Program offers a meld of both academic and experiential learning. In addition to imparting emotional, relationship, communication and coaching techniques, ARCS online video-workbook lessons also ask program participants to incorporate these skills within their daily actions and interactions. Essentially, as an ARCS student you will explore the very same tools and resources that you may later recommend to your clients. And ARCS live, online classes often feel more like a coaching or support group than a traditional classroom. Students share their stories with one another and garner life-sustaining skills from their Professor. Students apply the skills that they are learning in "real time" --- within their own lives --- thereby enhancing their own well-being and also ensuring that they will be equipped to teach their clients how to thrive. As an ARCS Student, you'll learn to facilitate healing in others --- as you heal within yourself.
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