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Quality, service and innovation, we count with 12 years on the market tuna boat, Asiservy is a company recognized internationally for processing the best tuna, in a diversified way and in agreement to the orders of the clients. Inside Ecuador, in the km 5,5 of the route Manta-Rocafuerte, Manabí's province, the plant is located procesadora of tunas Asiservy S.A. in an industrial area of 23 thousand square meters. Our company was founded in 1997 by the economist Gustavo Núñez Márquez, who with a creative and visionary energy, directed her towards the production and export of loins of tuna precocidos, frozen and sheathed to the emptiness to total satisfaction of the clients. A segment opened this way in Europe till then not developed in the Ecuador but that nowadays it groups to dozens of companies with aptitude to an international market be disputed valuado in thousands of million dollars a year. Asiservy S.A. nowadays processes 120 tons of tuna a day. Of the Ecuadoran waters we capture and process the three most commercial species of tropical tuna in the world: small barrel (Skipjack), yellow fin (Yellow Fin) and patudo (Big Eye), though the frozen loins of tuna constitute the principal production of the company for twelve years of management, locating us as the second major exporter of the country in this segment with more than 42 million dollars a year,Also we locate ourselves inside the first ten industries conserveras of tuna with added value, which it exports to diverse foreign markets. We walk towards the excellence in the processing tuna in conserves and loins precocidos frozen and sheathed to the emptiness. In the last five year period we have realized new changes in the business, commercial, productive and financial management for, I join of the hand of our his workers, to continue investing the capital for the future developments that will allow us to distinguish us as a verdadora promoter of the Ecuadoran tuna in the world. We are a democratic, organization participative and near to his employees, who work of standardized and systematic form to offer products and generating services of value and quality. The executive, technical and working equipment is compromised by the integrated policies, mission and Asiservy's business management S.A., that with many confidence in the country he continues investing and generating sources of employment in the zone of influence of Blanket. Near 600 persons they are employed at Asiservy's factory S.A., of which the majority gets out of a jam itself in the area of production, which workforce is distributed in the different stages of processing of the tuna as esvicerado, precooked, cooling, cleanliness, packing to the emptiness, freezing to low temperatures, paletizado and I do business.

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